This article offers an insight to 20 of the most common mistakes made in marketing content today.
- Its: possessive form. The firm launched its advertising campaign.
It’s: contraction for ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. It’s been a pleasure meeting you. - Their: possessive form. It is their turn to clean the table today.
There: adverb for a location. She kept the book over there.
They’re: short for they are. They’re leaving home at 8.00p.m. - Your: possessive form. This is your toothbrush.
You’re: contraction for you are. You’re going to the party tonight? - Could have. I could have been an architect.
Would have. I would have come sooner.
Should have. I should have told her about it.
These are often interchangeably mistaken as a result of spoken contractions. - Fewer: used as a countable noun. She might drink fewer than five glasses of water.
Less: used as uncountable nouns. There is less reputation at this firm. - To: part of a verb infinite. I went to see the patient.
Two: number. He saw the movie two times.
Too: means ‘also’ or could be an adverb referring to an extreme. My mother too thinks it’s too far to walk to the grocery store. - Than: used for comparisons. John is taller than Jennifer.
Then: to show that something follows another. I will read the book and then go home. - I: used as subject of phrase (before verb). I am going to the market.
Me: used as object of phrase (after verb). Joanna came with me.
Myself: used when both subject and object are the speaker/writer themselves. I am cooking for myself. - Who: used as subject of phrase (before verb). Who ran on the road?
Whom: used as object of phrase (after verb). Whom shall we give the gift to? - Affect: verb – influence or impact something. The traffic affected my arrival time
Effect: noun – the result of A impacting B. What is the effect of the hurricane? - e.: abbreviation – in other words. I will get back to you shortly – i.e. two to three days.
E.g.: abbreviation – example. Jessica likes to eat citrus fruits, e.g. oranges, grapes, lime. - Whose: used to assign ownership of something. Whose laptop is this?
Who’s: contraction of who is. Who’s going to be at the party tonight? - Alot: dictionary error.
A lot: many. Tom ate a lot of bananas.
Allot: set aside something for a purpose. You should allot 30 minutes of walking time every day. - Lose: verb – to fail to hold on to something. I will try not to lose my money.
Loose: adjective – not tight. The bangle is too loose for my hand. - Assure: promise something. My best friend assured to be there today.
Ensure: to make certain. Boss needs to ensure his employees can do the job.
Insure: protect against a risk. The car is insured by a third party. - Farther: physical distance. John is farther than Tom in the race.
Further: figurative distance. She is going to pursue her studies further.
Often used interchangeably. - Between: refers to two separated things. What is the difference between the two shirts?
Among: refers to a group of things that are not separated. He ranked second among the other students. - Compliment: praise something. Dad gave me a complement on my prom dress.
Complement: enhance or perfect something. The tie will complement the suit. - Into: preposition of place, implying movement. Elizabeth went into the library.
In to: coincidence of words being used together. She came in to replace Katy. - Peek: verb – take a quick look at. Mum took a peek in to my room.
Peak: noun – at the highest point. My brother is at the peak of his career.
Pique: verb – provoke or instigate. The innovation piqued her curiosity.
If your target audience consists of many marketers and content writers, you could use the above tips as a “Did you know?” content for your digital signage. Create a quiz with simple calls-to-action, add some gaming features and you can successfully get people engaged and having fun with your signage.
English is a language that is constantly changing. Hence today’s mistakes may probably become acceptable in the coming decades. But the point is, you are trying to engage viewers today. So make sure your digital signage content is understandable and accurate in order to attract viewers, maintain retention and increase loyalty.